Friday, April 27, 2007

Here are some updated pictures of my cute sons. (At least I think they are cute)
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This is my niece. She was at my house one day and while her mommy and I were talking she sat down in Chub-chubs swing and fell asleep.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big Brother went fishing with Daddy and Great-Grandpa. No fish was caught but they all had fun anyways. Big Brother had so much fun that he fell asleep on Great-Grandpa's lap. So cute!! Moments like that you have to get on camera, because three year olds don't look so cute sometime when they are awake! :) I sure hope 4 yr old are better.
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Isn't he so innocent looking? I am going to change his name to Chub Chubs, since Big Brother calls him that.

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Monday, April 9, 2007


This is a video of my Little Fatso singing or screeching, whatever you would like to call it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sad News

I know my sister posted this news on her blog, but for those that haven't been to hers. (She has most of the info on hers) Very sad news. My best-friend's, who is the sister of my sister's best-friend, mom has been diagnosed with bone cancer. I haven't ever had to watch my mother knowing her time on earth is short but I have lost a daughter without ever getting to see her eys open, so I know Janna is going to go through a very rough time. I hope I can be there for her the whole time. Grief is a very strange thing and anyone going through it has to remember anything you are feeling is normal. One day you may be spitting angry (it doesn't make a difference if you know the Lord as your Saviour as to the stages of grief) for brief moments at a time, or you may get angry when someone mentions the person you are grieving over or a person like that person, or you may cry all day, or you may just want to get up that morning and pretend you are not grieving at all and do something fun, or you just may want to sit and reminisce about that person by looking at pictures, or items of theirs. There are many, many different ways to grieve and none of them are stupid or you should never feel dumb, or horrible, or mean about what you are feeling at that moment. Janna, if you read this, remember I love you dearly and am your friend. Even though I am going through something different by losing my little girl, I still can listen or cry with you.

Monday, April 2, 2007


This is the thrift store toy. Big brother is enjoying it.
But it doesn't look like his cousin is. :)
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Here are the two boys in matching John Deere shirts.
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The Weekend

Everyone have a good weekend? I, at least had a good Friday evening! My mother (I am so thankful for her) took my two boys, and after my husband got home at 4:30, he had surprise for me. I was excited all day for this surprise! The surprise was in Temecula, (we were to eat dinner there at 7) by the restaurant. The place is called "Painted Earth", you can paint your own pottery. I chose a squarish plate. It was fun fun fun!! With no 3 yr old saying "mommy, mommy, mommy, I really enjoyed myself. I haven't finished it but when I do I'll take a picture and post it. The restaurant we went to is call Scarcella's Italian Grill, so yummy for good prices (since our budget for those kind of things is limited). That was the best of my weekend. The rest of it my husband was either putting in our neighbors toilets or working moving pipe for the agency he works for. (He's an Backflow cross-connection specialist, not a pipe mover, that was just overtime)