Monday, April 2, 2007

The Weekend

Everyone have a good weekend? I, at least had a good Friday evening! My mother (I am so thankful for her) took my two boys, and after my husband got home at 4:30, he had surprise for me. I was excited all day for this surprise! The surprise was in Temecula, (we were to eat dinner there at 7) by the restaurant. The place is called "Painted Earth", you can paint your own pottery. I chose a squarish plate. It was fun fun fun!! With no 3 yr old saying "mommy, mommy, mommy, I really enjoyed myself. I haven't finished it but when I do I'll take a picture and post it. The restaurant we went to is call Scarcella's Italian Grill, so yummy for good prices (since our budget for those kind of things is limited). That was the best of my weekend. The rest of it my husband was either putting in our neighbors toilets or working moving pipe for the agency he works for. (He's an Backflow cross-connection specialist, not a pipe mover, that was just overtime)

1 comment:

HotRodHanna said...

That sounds really cool! You can make anything you want! What a great surprise. Glad you had a good time.